Getting proper sleep is one of the most important things we can do for ourselves. That’s why our bedrooms should be fully equipped to get the best night’s sleep possible.
Here are 11 hacks for creating a bedroom what will have you asleep in no time:
1) Go For The Minimalist Look When It Comes To Furniture
Clutter and having lots of things around makes your mind stressful and occupied. It’s best to only put essential pieces of furniture in your room that promote rest and relaxation. A bed, a nightstand, and a place to sit is nice but leave your desk and the treadmill in a different room. Mirrors and reflective things should be avoided, especially near the bed because they can be startling at night.
2) Wash and Replace Your Sheets
Babies sleep on clean sheets so if you want to sleep like a baby, sleep on clean sheets. They should be changed at least once a week. Just make sure you’re not making these mistakes when laundering your bedding.
You should buy new sheets every one to two years or when you start to see signs of aging, such as stains, fading, or fraying. Replace pillows every two years and get anew mattress at least every 10 years or when it stops being supportive.
3) Keep Your Old Bulbs
LED lights are great for saving energy and brightly illuminating your spaces, but you might want to ditch them in the bedroom. It’s best to have softer lighting that you find with halogen or incandescent light bulbs that can also be easily dimmed.
4) The Flat Sheet Goes Down
Place your flat sheet with the top side facing down (or with the printed side down). The top side is often the softer side of the sheet.
5) Keep Colors Soft and Designs Simple
Bright colors and complicated patterns keep the mind alert. To calm the mind, use soft colors (like blue, sage, gray, white, ivory or gray) and simple patterns like gentle ombres or medallions.
6) Keep Sheets In Place
How could you possibly get a good night’s sleep when you’re fighting to keep the sheets in place? You can keep them slipping off in the middle of the night by covering the mattress with a mattress protector made from a textured material (something like terry cloth).
7) Keep It Cool
You’ll want to keep the temperature of your room between 67 and 68 degrees. This is because you fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer if your body temperature is cooler. There are special mattresses, pillows, and sheets designed to be cool to the touch.
8) Stay Snug As A Bug
Some people get extra cozy when they’re tucked in tight. So you might want to invest in some sheets that stay tucked in like these ones here.
9) Smell For Relaxation
Soothing scents can send you off to dreamland and help you to sleep soundly. Bring some jasmine, valerian, vanilla, or lavendar into your sleep space.
10) Put An End To Blanket Stealing
If the person you share your bed with steals the blankets use a CoverClamp to keep your blankets in place and prevent them from being a cover thief.
11) Snore Relief Jar
It can be impossible to fall sleep with someone snoring in the room.
11 Hacks For A Bedroom That Will Send You Straight To Dreamland
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